2018-04-11 9:08 AM
I'm just starting to create a basic code in order to play with the timer interrupt.
Now I have a little problem: my led blinks but I want to change the frequency when I push the button. Why this code inside the main function don't change the frequency?
if (!HAL_GPIO_ReadPin(BotoBlau_GPIO_Port, BotoBlau_Pin)) htim14.Init.Period = 10000;
else htim14.Init.Period = 2000;
2018-04-11 9:14 AM
Because that's just a variable, and it does not get magiaclly applied to the real physical register of the timer, only when the initialization function is called.
2018-04-11 12:00 PM
if (!HAL_GPIO_ReadPin(BotoBlau_GPIO_Port, BotoBlau_Pin)) TIM14->ARR = 10000-1;
else TIM14->ARR = 2000-1;