2013-06-07 08:32 AM
Following my last post on the subject of flash memory erase vs watchdog I have another concern.
Reading the spec I believe that I may be able to change the prescaler+reload of my watchdog just for the time that the flash perform it's erase operation. When i try to do that it does not seem to work even though the spec seems to says so. Here's the code:I have this method to init the wd:void EnableWatchdog(uint16_t watchTimeMs) {&sharpifdef ENABLE_WATCHDOG // See app.h IWDG_WriteAccessCmd(IWDG_WriteAccess_Enable); IWDG_SetPrescaler(IWDG_Prescaler_4); // RTC clock = LSI (40kHz) / 4 = 10kHz IWDG_SetReload(10 * watchTimeMs); // 10 * X / 10kHz = Xms timeout IWDG_WriteAccessCmd(IWDG_WriteAccess_Disable); IWDG_Enable();&sharpendif}During init I call EnableWatchdog(3);Later i will call this:if(IWDG->SR == 0) { SetTP(TP1, Bit_SET); EnableWatchdog(10); timeRti = PCtrl; while((PCtrl - timeRti) < m_msf2rti(5)) { } // Test watchdog SetTP(TP1, Bit_RESET); }The deal with timeRti is only to block the mcu during a specific time to see if watchdog works.So This will block the mcu 5ms and if the watchdog is still 3ms (from init) the mcu will reset non-stop. If the the EnableWatchdog(10); works it will not reset and i will se my tp1 toggle accordingly. I watch IWDG->SR because the spec says i should not update the prescaler or reload if any of the status bits are still set.The mcu resets non-stop. Any thoughts? #stm32-iwdg-watchdog2013-08-21 06:56 AM
I came across a similar problem. Because reference manual says: Configuring the IWDG when the window option is disabled When the window option it is not used, the IWDG can be configured as follows: 1. Enable register access by writing 0x0000 5555 in the IWDG_KR register. 2. Write the IWDG prescaler by programming IWDG_PR from 0 to 7. 3. Write the reload register (IWDG_RLR). 4. Wait for the registers to be updated (IWDG_SR = 0x0000 0000). 5. Refresh the counter value with IWDG_RLR (IWDG_KR = 0x0000 AAAA). 6. Enable the IWDG by writing 0x0000 CCCC in the IWDG_KR. I added this line in my IWDG initalization: while ((IWDG->SR & (IWDG_SR_PVU | IWDG_SR_RVU)) != 0) {} But it never comes past this line. And IWDG also works without it (or seems to ) STM32F051 Errata sheet says nothing about it. Any hints about the right way to configure IWDG are welcome. Martin