2022-04-12 3:29 AM
2022-04-12 5:22 AM
Sorry, could you describe a little bit more the problem you are facing. Usually in the VL53L3CX-SATEL you have two parts offering two possible use-cases. The 1st use case could be that the VL53L3CX-SATEL is be mounted on an X-NUCLEO-53L3A2 board or you can only use the breakout part of the SATEL to connect to your electronic system thanks to some wires soldered on the breakout part.
2022-04-13 12:55 PM
There is a company called Hornix.com.tw that mounts the sensors on little bits of circuit board and then sticks a coverglass on top. (got to hornix.com.tw and click on "Product" and scroll to almost the bottom.
Or you could use a flex and do the same thing.
But what a lot of people do is just sick the sensor on the PCB board and design the housing such that the coverglass is really close to the sensor.