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Can you help me verify the schematic of STM32L476RGT6U?

Associate II

I'm mounting my MCU on PCB. I have done the schematic referring from . Please help me verify this. My conditions are as follows.

  1. I am using 2 Digital sensors and one LoRa as communication module. All are digital devices and don't deal with analog signals.
  2. My circuit provides 3.3 V DC to MCU.
  3. I will use few digital pins are I/O to my system.
  4. I'll use the MCU counter and timer.

NOTE: Please let me know does VDD USB pin can support 5V DC? If not, then how a program should be uploaded to the MCU?

Associate II


Thanks, TDK. I have followed AN2606 (Page329/417, Table. 133) and understood the I2C connection procedure. I have modified the circuit, it would be very helpful if you kindly verify and let me know whether that is correct or not. As per your advice, I'll go for PCB fabrication. Your prompt response will be helfulful. 0693W00000FAbJZQA1.jpg0693W00000FAbJUQA1.jpg