2024-06-21 2:52 PM
I am working on a project on STM32H750. I set up the QSPI I/O pins on PD11, PD12, PD13 and PE2.
Because PE2 (IO2) also serves as the WP# pin for the external flash, I would like to set it to have an internal pull-up, so the GPIO definitions are like:
2024-06-21 3:05 PM
You probably did set it successfully, but that's only going to help if the peripheral tri-states it's pins.
If it remains in push/pull mode that's always going to determine the start of the pin.
You'd have to reconfigure the pin to an input for it to tri-state. see GPIOE->MODER
2024-06-21 3:36 PM
Thanks for the reply. I tested out the pin without connecting to any peripheral. That is how I find out it is not pulled up.
I also tried the open drain option, GPIO_MODE_AF_OD, it also stays low. I don't know why the GPIO_PULLUP setting does not seem to be effective.
2024-06-21 4:39 PM
No, again that would suggest it's trying to output a LOW state.
Configure the pin as an INPUT
If it's still LOW, check what else is wired to that Net.
2024-06-21 4:48 PM
Because this pin is the IO2 pin on the Quad SPI bus, I can't configure it as INPUT, right? It is supposed to be an I/O pin.