2012-06-20 2:39 AM
I tried to debug code stm32f103 but it getting stuck on 0x8002cc6 and not moving from there. even if I do step out or step over.
The code is ok (working on product whick sold and installed).The IAR J-Link sw is update.I erased the memory and burn it agian the project and nothing changed.When I debug the prog. with simulator it's working good without any problem.What should I do in order to debug it with the J-link whith out stucking the program?2012-06-20 5:08 AM
The code is ok.
Signs point to no. It would have been helpful if you'd provided some code or disassembly around the hanging region. Simulators are pretty useless at replicating peripheral behaviour and timing, if real hardware doesn't like your code there is clearly a problem with the code.2012-06-20 10:50 PM
Thank's for the advise.I'll do it next time.
I changed the micro and it start to work.It starnge that when I turn on the product it work regularly.The problem was only debuggng it.