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Can Somebody please recommend a starter development board and peripherals.


Can Somebody please recommend a starter development board and peripherals. I a new to STM32 and microcontrollers - complete newbie. I have a project I would like to teach myself on which involves an mcu that takes input values, performs calculation, communicates results of calculations to six smaller nodes, co ordinates and drives 6 very basic servo motors, returns position data for analysis, computation, and new drive instructions. 

I would like to start with a development board and associated, nodes, servos and required communication but I am uncertain where to start. As I Said this is a learning project that I will develop over time until I have a robust 6 axis machine that I can operate with very high precision. 

Many thanks for your advice.


You might look at the Nucleo boards, these has an on-board debugger which can make initial development testing easier. The NUCLEO-32 series boards being the most small/compact. Probably desirable for node boards.

You might also look at some of the feather/stamp type board.

All the STM32 chips should be quite capable to drive several 50 Hz / 20 ms PWM type servos. Most shouldn't have much difficulty driving eight PWM signals.

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Machining or 3d-printing applications often use stepper motors rather than servos, which are driven in a different manner.

There is this board for 3D printing, which is NRND, but still works.

But if you're brand new, a nucleo board and a logic analyzer is probably a better bang for your buck.

Not sure what you mean by "nodes", but a single CPU system is going to be much easier to develop than one that has multiple processing units that send/share information with each other.

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