2009-05-26 3:14 AM
Can NOT program STM32F103ZCT6 using ST's FLASH Loader without JTAG
2011-05-17 4:12 AM
''the inference is ST's FLASH LOADER DEMO software programs the chip only if JTAG connection is present.''
This may indicate that your board's JTAG pins (and/or power) are not properly managed by your ''standalone (non-JTAG)'' hardware implementation. a) have you properly terminated each of the JTAG pins? b) has your software ''re-configured'' any JTAG pin to an alternate function? c) can you repeat this problem on a 2nd STM32 - on a 2nd board? Single chip/single board implementations add complexity to test/confirmation. We most always prefer to build/bring up 2-3 prototypes - to eliminate single board ''strangeness.''2011-05-17 4:12 AM
Hello everyone,
I am using STM32F103ZCT6 (revision Z) in my system, and i tried to program the on chip FLASH, using ST's FLASH LOADER DEMO software, but it gave the “Unrecognized device� message. Resetting the device did NOT solve the the problem. Hence i switch back to OpenOCD for programmimg by connecting to JTAG. Incidently i tried AGAIN using ST's FLASH LOADER DEMO software, and it worked!!! In the second attempt the only difference was the presence of JTAG connection. I repeated the various combinations, and the inference is ST's FLASH LOADER DEMO software programs the chip only if JTAG connection is present. I have checked and verified my JTAG and other hardware, and i think it is working OK. But i do not understand what is wrong. Can someone explain and help me correct the problem. Hemant.2011-05-17 4:12 AM
You might want to double check your device selection in the flash loader program.
If you have the wrong device selected, it will give you that exact message, like it did for me the first time I hooked the board up and ran the program.2011-05-17 4:12 AM
Hello jj.sprague,
1. i have terminated the JTAG pins as shown in the ''Getting started with hardware development'' guide of ST. 2. i have NOT ''re-configured'' any JTAG pin to an alternate function. 3. i have made 5 proto type boards. Hello rael, The Flash Loader demo of ST shows the message ''Device is readable'' and show STM32F103ZCT6 as the device. Hemant.2011-05-17 4:12 AM
Assume that this condition continues on multiple of your 5 bd run.
Can you load a simple ''blink led'' program via JTAG - and does that run correctly w/o the JTAG connected? (when running from power up in stand-alone mode) We've seen similar issues when JTAG probe supplied/modified power delivery to target bd and/or modified the treatment of the 2 Reset pins managed by JTAG.2011-05-17 4:12 AM
On 25-05-2009 at 18:12, Anonymous wrote: Hello jj.sprague, 1. i have terminated the JTAG pins as shown in the ''Getting started with hardware development'' guide of ST. 2. i have NOT ''re-configured'' any JTAG pin to an alternate function. 3. i have made 5 proto type boards. Hello rael, The Flash Loader demo of ST shows the message ''Device is readable'' and show STM32F103ZCT6 as the device. Hemant. Check your reset line circuitry. We have a current prototype board where very similar effects are shown, however it is because we have a separate un-initialised MCU that is connected to our reset pin and it is just enough to prevent reliable boot of the STM32. As the JTAG drives/loads the reset line it may be similar in your case.2011-05-17 4:12 AM
I'm having the same problem. I posted about it here. With my boards, once they have been programmed by JTAG they can be programmed by USART. We are currently looking at the reset circuitry as manually grounding the reset pin, with power off, will ''cure'' a board and it can be programmed by USART normally. We have two different board designs, with identical reset circuitry. Only one type has this problem. Cheers.