2018-10-16 9:42 AM
In the FS mode the reference manual state that USB RX DMA is only available in HS mode. In MXCube it seems that I can set USB OTG HS and set internal Phy to "device only". Does this activate the RX DMA? It also seems to change the pins assignment on the stm32f765vgt 100 pin package from PA11/pA12 to PA14/PA15. Do this also does not to use the USB bootloader mode?
2018-10-16 10:11 AM
PA11/PA12 is OTG_FS. OTG_FS does not have DMA built in.
PA14/PA15 doesn't have any OTG functionality.
OTG_HS, if used in FS mode with the internal FS PHY, uses PB14/PB15 as OTG_HS_DM/OTG_HS_DP.
Please reformulate your question, pay attention to details.