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Can I discard Drivers/ folder when archiving? My STM32F401 project folder is 6.1 MB after 'clean' but most (5.7MB) is just the Drivers/ folder

Associate II

After doing "clean" on my project, the large majority of space in the project (5.7 / 6.1 MB or 93%) is occupied by the Drivers/ folder. I assume that can be easily re-created by any install of STM32CubeIDE during a compile anyway, so is it necessary to use space and bandwidth by including it in an archive (?)

Pavel A.
Evangelist III

@JB.5eale​ This depends - if you've selected to *link* the library stuff instead of *copying* into your project when CubeMX/IDE generates code, the drivers and most of other library files stay in the "repository" folder. This way it is much easier to share this stuff among many projects, and it stays outside of your project files.

Since these libraries are available on github, you can even make your private fork and version control any changes if needed.

Lead II

You can discard the ***.chmuser_manual.chm files

Archive your tools too..

For projects I try to identify what went into it, and then just archive the bare minimum to rebuild and a copy of the released binary.

Wouldn't bother with intermediate files, ie dependency lists, objects, etc.

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