2017-12-18 3:16 PM
I'm new to the CAN bus protocol and I'm wondering if anyone knows if the standard peripherals CAN example works on the dev board I have (stm32f303 Nucleo-64). The readme for the example program indicates that 'Jumper J4 must be fitted in the 1-2 position' and 'Jumper J3 must be fitted'. There is no jumper J-3 that I can find and the area marked J4 only has holes for the jumper posts on the board and there are only 2 holes. Has anyone successfully used these examples?
Also, CAN is defined in the HAL library but I can't find any example programs for CAN using the HAL interface. Am I missing something?
Any pointers to example projects or links would be appreciated.
#can-programming #can-bus-stm32f303 #can-examples