2018-06-10 6:55 AM
Hello everyone
I am using stm32f429 discovery board. I run CAN hal_lib example( networking ) and monitored tx pin on oscilloscope and got bellow signal( it is attached)
I know the can frame, but the signal that is captured is not like a can frame. Where is the problem?
note: I didn't connect tx to a can channel, I only want to see can frame.
#stm32f4xx-can-bus-error2018-06-11 1:16 AM
this is my Tx pin,
I think you need to turn on the loopback, not sure... your experiment is outside the norm.
2018-06-11 1:46 PM
Thanks for your answer.
I tried LOOPBACK mode example and got the correct frame.
I captured the signal by arduino serial plotter(bellow picture)
but now I have a new problem. I generated this frame by spartan-6
and sent it to RX pin of stm32f4 disco board. In debug mode, I read the CAN register. The LEC(last error code) field in the CAN_ESR( error status) register was set 0x5. It means Bit dominant Error has been occurred. Why has this error beenoccurred? what is this error?
The picture of signal that is generated by spartan-6 FPGA.
2018-06-11 5:59 PM
did you set ABOM to enable ?
do you have a line driver ?
without a line driver, you need a pullup on the Can Rx pin.
2018-06-12 3:14 AM
I set ABOM and tried but the error was occurred again.
I don't have a line driver.
I am using internal pull-up of FPGA. I added an external pull-up but the result is same:(