2022-04-29 2:19 PM
2022-04-30 11:06 AM
Bus speed is going to inherently limit speed at which samples are delivered, you can adapt the table to have less samples per cycle, or index with a wider step interval
void output_dac_sin_x3(void)
int i = 0;
while(1) // Continous
HAL_StatusTypeDef status = HAL_I2C_Mem_Write(&I2CHandle, DAC_ADDR, DAC_CHANNEL, I2C_MEMADD_SIZE_8BIT, (void *)&SinLUT[i], 1, 100);
if (status != HAL_OK) puts("Argh!");
i = (i + 3) % sizeof(SinLUT); // step table
} // sourcer32@gmail.com
2022-04-30 2:10 PM
For the 33.61 Hz, and 256 samples per cycle, the DAC is being sent samples at 8.6 Ksps.
Figure that's about 5 byte times of I2C traffic at 400 KHz