2014-05-01 4:26 PM
Hello, we are wanting to call the built-in bootloader from our application without manipulating the BOOT0/BOOT1 pins. I am trying to use the EVAL board to validate our method. The Users Manual for the Eval board does state: ''The RS-232 boot loader mechanism is not supported on the STM32429I-EVAL''. There is no explanation of this statement. However, if I move the Boot0 switch on the eval board to 1 and power cycle, I am able to at least connect to the bootloader over RS-232 using the ST demo flash loader program. If I can get that far by calling the bootloader on the Eval board with the BOOT pins both at 0, I will call it a success until our hardware is ready.
I have tried both calling the bootloader from C code, using the method posted on Youtube, and also calling it from my startup assemble code, using the method Clive has suggested in the forum, as follows (I am using IAR):;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;; ;; Default interrupt handlers. ;; THUMB PUBWEAK Reset_Handler SECTION .text:CODE:REORDER:NOROOT(2) Reset_HandlerLDR R0,=0x1FFF0000
LDR R1,[R0,#0] MOV SP,R1 LDR R0,[R0,#4] BX R0 ;debugger shows 0x1FFF4ABF in R0 at this point Unfortunately, both methods display the same behavior - I cannot connect to the bootloader using the demo program. If I use the debugger, I can hit a breakpoint at the start of the bootloader (at 0x1FFF4ABE) , and can trace through it until I get bored, but as soon as I hit run, I hit a breakpoint back at the BX R0 line above, as if a reset is occurring, or the bootloader is jumping back to the start of the application. This made me suspect the dual boot mode of the 429, but I used ST-Link to verify the BFB2 bit in the options byte is cleared, so no dual boot should be taking place. Any ideas?2016-03-24 1:53 PM
Yes, this perhaps should have been a new thread as it is sufficiently off-topic. I'd rather a new thread that cites the old one, if relevant, than have the context changed in old threads.Is the firmware the same for each? Does your hardware self-identify which slot in the rack each of the 3 is located? How did the board designer(s) imagine this would occur?2016-03-29 12:31 AM
2017-10-04 11:02 AM