2012-11-12 2:23 AM
Is where any makefile or ready project to build STM322xG_EVAL FW with yagarto or GNUARM? I have downloaded STM32F2-F4_Demonstration_Builder_V1.0.1 but it has no plain Makefile for GCC. I wonder if someone can share it with us. Thanks.2012-11-12 11:16 PM
Maybe some of the supported IDE like TrueSTUDIO can generate a Makefile and you can send it to me? I need to try a different LCD module and need to change a HAL definitions for it. After that I need to rebuild project. I was sure I'm not the first one who try to do it.2012-11-13 8:03 AM
I was sure I'm not the first one who try to do it.
Or perhaps they just figured it out? Remember it's a forum, where most people come with problems, and few with solutions. Suggest you flatten the source tree and use a generic make file for the STM32F2, and use suitable define settings for the board.2012-11-14 1:31 AM
I see.
I did it already with an USART project you've sent me. I have rewritten it my way and got minimal working project build with yagarto and running without ST library. This is the best way to study new CPU. If someone interested I can publish it. Now my next step is to connect graphic LCD to my project. So I'm looking for minimal working project running on STM3220G-EVAL board. If you know one I would be obliged.2012-11-16 12:55 PM
This is a batch file based on the Atollic and Keil builds, unpack under
I compiled and built this with Yagarto 4.62 without failure. I don't have the board. If someone wants to fix that please let me know. sourcer32@gmail.com2012-11-23 11:31 AM
I'll give it a try and will let you know. Actually I managed to go on by picking required files and building the extracted project with my own Makefile. This way I got LCD working and rewritten it. So now I have my own code for GPIO,FSMC,USART and LCD. Next step would be USB and ETH. It turns out that: 1. STM32 is not that complex. I see no problem for me to write my own code and do not use Standard Peripheral Library (SPL) at all. At leas one benefit of it is that I know exactly how HW modules are working and what features I can get from HW. For instance studding FSMC and LCD code let's me easy pass from demo board LCD with 16 bit parallel ILI9325 to 8-bit parallel ILI9341. 2. SPL is ugly. It is written BAAAAAD. It is not efficient and not flexible. All you can do with it is to use it as reference. According to English in comments code is written by first grade student(s) in India or China. 3. STM32 documentation is not good as well, compared to the documentation level I got used with Atmel. There is a lot of things that are not clear from specs and the only way to guess how it exactly works is to look at source code or try it and check with scope. Hope that chip design itself is better. But overall I like the STM32 CPU and will go on with it.2012-11-28 3:38 AM
It does not work.
Also I noticed that GCC image size is significantly bigger then original one2012-11-28 7:45 AM
The ELF contains a lot of debug/browse information, and GNU isn't near as effective at dead code elimination as Keil.
Anything showing up in the debugger?2012-11-29 1:24 AM
What exactly is ''it'' and in which way it ''does not work''?
JW> It does not work.
2012-11-29 11:23 AM
Read the whole thread.
We were trying to rebuild EVAL FW with Yagarto but no luck so far.