2012-11-12 2:23 AM
Is where any makefile or ready project to build STM322xG_EVAL FW with yagarto or GNUARM? I have downloaded STM32F2-F4_Demonstration_Builder_V1.0.1 but it has no plain Makefile for GCC. I wonder if someone can share it with us. Thanks.2012-11-29 12:18 PM
Jan's point is that your failure description is ambiguous, the code does in fact compile and link, the problem is what happens when it runs. The description needs more specificity to what failed, and how, which you might be able to answer if you ran the code on a debugger, and did some basic bisection.
If it hard faults, what code is faulting..... If it gets stuck in some loop, which one..2012-11-30 2:27 AM
Sorry did not think this way.
Well All I can see is that there is nothing on LCD. It stays same as it was at reset and boot time. I do not have a debugger so I can't look inside right now. I plan to install openOCD and run debugger via ST-Link but not sure when will I have time to do it.