2016-01-20 4:50 AM
After spending an entire morning figuring out why my SAI configuration isn't working anymore I guess I found a new bug concerning the configuration of the SLOTR register inside HAL_SAI_Init.
Prior to 1.2.0hsai->Instance->SLOTR|= hsai->SlotInit.FirstBitOffset | hsai->SlotInit.SlotSize
| (hsai->SlotInit.SlotActive <<
) | ((hsai->SlotInit.SlotNumber - 1) << 8);
hsai->Instance->SLOTR|= hsai->SlotInit.FirstBitOffset | hsai->SlotInit.SlotSize
| hsai->SlotInit.SlotActive | ((hsai->SlotInit.SlotNumber - 1) << 8);
The missing shift at the SlotActive parameter causes the SLOTEN value to be set to a wrong value. Maybe the shift was left out intentinally but the CubeMX tool still produces the same output for the old and the current library version.
This was like the 5th bug I reported within 6 months. You guys should put up some kind of reward system for reporting stuff and send me a coffee cup or something. :D
2016-01-20 6:06 AM
Hi Vinci,
Could you precise in which HAL library you have found the issue. So, we can verify it.-Syrine-2016-01-20 8:09 AM
Ah damn it, I knew I'd forgotten something :p
It's concerning the L4-library.2016-01-20 9:00 AM
Hi Vinci,
It is a known bug, and it is already fixed in the STM32CubeL4 version 1.2.0-Syrine-2016-01-21 3:48 AM
You're right I'm sorry!
My bad, I got mixed up between two commits where the library got updated!