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Bought a STM32 NUCLEO-F411RE and "No ST-Link Device Connected"

Associate II

Hi All, i'm quite new to the world of embedded and only recently moved off MCU's like the ESP32.

I just bought a STM32 Nucleo board and when I went to use it with the cubeIDE I got the error "No ST-Link Device Connected". I installed the drivers STSW-LINK007 and STSW-LINK009 and no luck 

I use an stm32l475 on loan from my university just fine and the st-link v2 works perfectly. I'm wondering what the issue is with my nucleo board. I'm using a usb b mini and installed/reinstalled the drivers and even tried ST-Link Upgrade though the CubeIDE and same response "No ST-Link Device Connected". Nothing appears in my com ports and I thought the nucleo had an integrated st-link. If anyone could help me out it would be much appreciated

ST Employee

Hello @Kesan and welcome to the ST Community .

What computer environment do you have? (Windows, Mac, Linux, Virtual Machine, .. ?)

  • Check your USB cable and try other one. 
  • Try to connect the ST-Link directly to an USB port of your laptop (not via a hub or docking station).
  • Did you install STLink USB driver make sure to install STLink USB drivers (use admin rights)?

PS:Try connecting to the target with STM32CubeProgrammer.

Best Regards.


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Hi, thanks the warm welcome 

I am using windows and the usb mini B is going directly from laptop to the Nucleo Board. I even tried to test in Arduino and response was the same "No ST-Link Detected", when I plugged it into somebody else's pc there was no immediate recognition in device manager com ports.

The STM32 that's on loan from college works perfectly and never had to install any drivers. Do you reckon it's a defective board?

I'd also like to note that even upon first plugging in, LED1 is flashing red, LED2 is constant Red and LD2 flashes green

Pavel A.
Evangelist III

Does your STM32F4 Nucleo look like this?

If so, please use the correct USB connector of two: on the ST-LINK side, the opposite side from the blue button.


Can you share a picture of your board. 

Best Regards.


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Not connecting is strongly indicative that this is a charging cable (power only), and provides no data connectivity.

Try a cable that is known to work with peripherals, or sold as such.

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Thanks Tesla, I think you may be right, this may not be a charge and sync cable. I'll have a look around and see if i can test it somewhere else!