2023-02-07 5:57 AM
I have this issue:
I have set the RF wake up clock selection to HSE /1024 and I cannot get a BLE connection to hold.
Why is that? Any other configuration might be affecting that?
PeriphClkInitStruct.RFWakeUpClockSelection = RCC_RFWKPCLKSOURCE_HSE_DIV1024; // BAD
When I revert to LSE it works fine.
2023-02-15 8:14 AM
Hi @Community member ,
Could you please check your project's low power configuration? It should be disabled if you select HSE/1024 as RF system wakeup clock.
I do not know which specific device you are working on, but just as an example, you can find the information in RM0434 Reference manual of STM32WB55 at page 204/1530.
Best Regards,