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BlackPill RobotDyn how to program it ??

Associate III

Hi, I'm trying to figure out how to program this MPU with the Arduino IDE.
I tried to make the serial port appear but without any success.
Unfortunately I have lost all reference to the purchase and it seems that RobotDyn no longer exists.

I tried the following configurations:
BlackPill F103C8
BluePill F103C8
BluePill F103C6

I tried to install the bootloader with STMCubeProgrammer using the following bootloaders:
generic_boot20_pc13, generic_boot20_pc13_fastboot, maple_mini_boot20

I installed the following USB drivers:

In all possible permutations, but I was able to program this board.
And STLINK isn't even displayed, at most I see a Maple_003 port which I tried to use but without success.

Where am I doing wrong ?


here is (in German - maybe use translate) : howto flash bootloader in arduino with st-link ->


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Hi Ascha.3,
with these latest versions it is no longer possible to use the STLINK as you can see even using the IDE 1.8 there is no possibility of programming this board with STLINK.
Using both BlackPill and BluePill or MapleMini, I don't have much chance they are always the same...
Thank you for your help, but we need something more sophisticated, which unfortunately I don't have; the ability to thoroughly understand this type of hardware and also software.
Unfortunately I'm inexperienced....  :frowning_face:



So what's the STM32CubeProgrammer (SWD) option?

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Wow !!!
Many thanks "Tesla DeLorean", now I can program it, but is there no way to have a serial port to check its operation?

Sketch uses 39712 bytes (60%) of program storage space. Maximum is 65536 bytes. Global variables use 9716 bytes (47%) of dynamic memory, leaving 10764 bytes for local variables. Maximum is 20480 bytes. ------------------------------------------------------------------- STM32CubeProgrammer v2.14.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------- ST-LINK SN : 52FF6B064987495141430787 ST-LINK FW : V2J42S7 Board : -- Voltage : 3.24V SWD freq : 4000 KHz Connect mode: Under Reset Reset mode : Hardware reset Device ID : 0x410 Revision ID : Rev X Device name : STM32F101/F102/F103 Medium-density Flash size : 128 KBytes Device type : MCU Device CPU : Cortex-M3 BL Version : -- Memory Programming ... Opening and parsing file: Weather_Station_STM32F103C8T6.ino.bin File : Weather_Station_STM32F103C8T6.ino.bin Size : 39.10 KB Address : 0x08000000 Erasing memory corresponding to segment 0: Erasing internal memory sectors [0 39] Download in Progress: File download complete Time elapsed during download operation: 00:00:00.857 RUNNING Program ... Address: : 0x8000000 Application is running, Please Hold on... Start operation achieved successfully
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Now the situation is this, I can program the board but I don't have the possibility to use the monitor for debugging.
Are there any solutions?





Associate III

It worked for a few minutes but now it won't connect anymore !!?
It will mean that I will throw them in the waste bin...

> the monitor for debugging

Arduino has no debug .

just serial monitor - if you talk about this.

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Hi, yes AScha.3 i talk about Serial Monitor.

ok, if st-link is connected for program/flash,

and then the program makes VCP over USB, you need to connect extra cable from PC to mini/micro-USB plug.


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Yes, it is connected to my PC end mini USB