2024-04-06 2:35 PM
I bought a BlackPill board, and need to upload ("flash"?) a hex-file to it.
It's for a simple musical midi controller.
I tried using Arduino once, and could copy the code to the Arduino IDE app, connect the RP Pico, and upload the code to the board, done!
I reconnect the Pico to my MacBook and the BlackPill is now a USB Midi controller.
They also have a file for the BlackPill STMF32411, in either .hex or .bin form.
I downloaded them both.
I'm on a MacBook running Big Sur.
The BlackPill has more ins and outs for switches, pots, etc., so I bought one.
Is there a simple way to upload this file to the BlackPill without allot of technical knowledge?
I should say without ANY technical knowledge?
I figured out the button sequence to put the BlackPill in bootloader mode, but the few things I tried didn't work, and frankly I don't have any idea what I am doing.
Just need to upload one of the two files to the BlackPill.
Any help would be much appreciated.
2024-04-06 4:05 PM
I meant to mention for the Pico version of this project they provide code to paste into the Arduino IDE app. to upload to the Pico.
For the BlackPill version, they only provide either a .hex or .bin file to flash the BlackPill.