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Black screen when enabling "Debug: Serial Wire"


Hi guys,


I bought a STM32F469I-Disco Board. I have played around with TouchGFX example projects and had success adding an ADC (ADC1_IN9 connected to Pin PB1) conversion to the project and display the value on the touch display as text in a textArea as well as with a gauge.

I use DMA in circular mode and enabled cont. conversion and cont. requests. I use a task and queue in FREERTOS and as I said that part works fine.

Then I wanted to add UART to that project which should prompt a text every second. I chose USART3 because Pins PB10 and PB11 are connected to the virtual COM port of the built-in STLink. I activated Debug serial Wire under System Core / Sys because the tutorial I followed said so. Timebase source is TIM6.

The project compiles without errors. But when I flash the board the screen stays black.

Then I tried to revert erverything regarding UART and Debug Serial Wire (deactivate USART3, disable Debug) but the screen stays black.


Any Ideas? Thanks.


EDIT: The same happens to any other project. E.g. the DiceAnimation Demo in TouchGFX Designer: When I create the project new and flash the board it works just fine. When I then activate Degub: Serial Wire in Sys the screen is black after flashing and the project can not be recovered. Even when I deactive Debug Serial Wire again, the screen is black.