2008-01-09 9:05 AM
Big endian and Little endian ?
2011-05-17 3:20 AM
Hi Folks,
I am tearing my hair out on this one and hoping someone can help : is STM32 ( Cortex-M3) Little or Big endian and how we can change it at both processor level and in keil or IAR compiler options ? :-? Thanks , Magigimix2011-05-17 3:20 AM
Hi Magigimix,
Here's a quote from the Arm M3 Cortex Technical Reference Manual:Quote:
The processor can access data words in memory in little-endian format or big-endian format. It always accesses code in little-endian format.
Note Little-endian is the default memory format for ARM processors. ... The processor contains a configuration pin, BIGEND, that enables you to select either the little-endian or BE-8 big-endian format. This configuration pin is sampled on reset. You cannot change endianness when out of reset. I hope you still have some hair left! Regards edware2011-05-17 3:20 AM
No you cannot change the endianess, it is little endian only.
The BIGEND is an internal setting to the cortex die. Cheers Spen2011-05-17 3:20 AM
Dear edware,
Thanks so much , I still have some :) last night. back to your answer and to conclude : I can change at reset the data endianess only, but how ? I can not see any pin called BIGEND. Thx again. kind regards, Magigimix2023-11-20 12:31 AM
"some hair left" is the reason I thumbed it up. :D