2021-11-18 10:11 AM
the B-U585 Demo when asking for the SSID qualifies a name with a spacebar. Problem is, that many SSIDs contain a space by itself, like "FRITZ!Box 7530 ..." or "Galaxy ...". As the application does not echo what is sees, useres are left in the dark. Updated firmware would be welcome!
2021-12-13 2:21 AM
what do you mean by "qualifies a name with a spacebar" ? do you mean the B-U585 demo doesn't accept a SSID name with a space character in it ?
2021-12-13 12:03 PM
The demo also does not echo what it had understood, e.g. echo the SSID Name when it starts to connect.
2021-12-15 7:13 AM
So I understand the problem is in the IOT_HTTP_WebServer demo, in Firmware\Projects\B-U585I-IOT02A\Demonstrations\IOT_HTTP_WebServer\Core\Src\console.c, in webserver_console_get_ssid() function.
I agree there is no reason to exclude space character in SSID name.
You can remove the check for space character in the input loop:
if (HAL_UART_Receive(&Console_UARTHandle, (uint8_t *) &ch, 1, HAL_MAX_DELAY) != HAL_OK)
SSID[count] = ch;
} while ((ch != '\n') && (ch != ' ') && (ch != 0));
remove "&& (ch != ' ')"
it will be corrected in the code.
2021-12-15 7:53 AM
But the problem is in the out-of-the-box code, and so new users will stumble on that. Compiling the example isa big block for the faint-hearted, or beginner or makefile users. Consider providing a changed binary at least for download.