2018-07-11 11:25 AM
I have a B-L475E-IOT01A2 board and problems with the Wifi example.
I have assembled the missing parts for the HSE (8 MHz crytsal) and everything works fine with the USB Host (MSC) example. I also tested all the sensors. But I have big problems with the Wifi sample code. It doesn't matter if I use MSI or HSE as clock source. I can open the http page, but now it comes to a timeout and nothing happens anymore. There is a 10% chance that the timeout will come after opening the http page, 60% after sending an LED command and 30% after sending 2 or 3 commands. I have set some breakpoints in the main routine where we look if it is a POST command. But they are no longer triggered after the timeout appears. The only solution is a reset. I've tested it with several wifis. Always the same problem.
Please help me.
Kind regards
2018-08-09 9:11 PM
@ST Community who is covering the IOT-DISCO board? Any FAEs?