2019-04-28 10:03 AM
I have experience of 16bit microchip micros using embedded C, and i am about to move across to ARM RTOS C++. I have narrowed my chip vendor down to ST. As i am starting from zero on ARM development, could you offer advice on which is the easiest development route for books/ tutorials and development boards.
Also is the current trend to move across to C++, if yes what benifits are developers gaining over C. Or are develops mainly staying with C whilst using ARM.
Look forward to your reply.
Any help gladly accepted.
2019-04-28 10:12 AM
Using C and Assembler predominantly here, but have a pretty wide repertoire to draw from...
The NUCLEO-144 and DISCO boards generally cover most of the bases, the EVAL boards are expensive but have their own niche utility.
The ARM TRM for the core are recommended reading, Joseph Yiu's series augment those with a different perspective.
2019-04-28 10:40 AM
Hi Clive Two.Zero,
Thanks for your reply. I have a couple more question:
1) I am running window 10, what development environment do you recommend to use. Do they offer a free or single user none commercial licence. Do ST offer an IDE or would you recommend something like Keil for development. Could you point me to the webpage please.
2) Running free-rots do most people use the Amazon add-on?
3) With the Nucleo-144 and Disco boards would i need an additional programmer, or just a USB cable connected to my PC.
Many thanks,
2019-04-28 10:56 AM
> Also is the current trend to move across to C++
Yes definitely there's this trend recently.
IMHO the motivation behind C++ push is that C++ has improved and becomes practically usable at last.
It properly describes the cool new ARM multicore architectures (memory order & atomics, threads support in STL...)
Tools supporting C++ become better.
Students are taught c++ as first language instead of C, so they do not understand why to use C at all, when c++ is so much "better".
These students soon become young dev managers...
The bottom line - hаrd�?оre C nuts will eventually die off, and c++ will prevail.
-- pa
2019-04-29 2:34 AM
> could you offer advice on which is the easiest development route for books/ tutorials
Hitex's "The Insider's Guide to the STM32" for some introduction to STM32
Joseph Yiu's books (The Definitive Guide to...) for deep understanding of ARM Cortex cores.
The reference manual, the datasheet and the programmer's manual for your chosen MCU
[Cick Show More]
> Also is the current trend to move across to C++
C is the lingua franca in the embedded world, but if we're talking about trends then I would say take a look at Rust. It will gain more traction over time because it offers memory-safity and is still low-level. And no undefined behavior as a bonus!
2019-05-09 6:42 AM
Hi again,
Thank you for all your help.
I have another question, when it is mentioned must have ARM rtos linux experience. Does the linux part mean the designer is writing the code on a linux pc instead of a windows pc? What is the big benefit and attraction of writing all the code on a linux pc? I have previously stuck with windows, because all the terminal programs install and run nicely, i have good access to the usb and serial ports, and more bus readers work on window and not linux.
Look forward to your replies.