2017-02-04 7:52 AM
I'm using an Arduino protoshield and see how cool thing it is. I think people are mostly skeptical about Arduino support in ST Zio / Nucleo, however the ability to arrange on Arduino protoshield, solder and then plug into STM board is great. Over a dozen jumper wires and plastic breadboards are ugly, here there is nothing like that.
I'm wondering if ST does provide ST Zio (and/or Arduino subset of it) and ST morpho protoshields?
ST could release kits with proto-boards, headers, ribbon cables, also jumper wires, etc. Maybe it would be sold well.
Also what are ST Zio and ST morpho options in general, i.e. are there actually any extensions in sell that are using those connectors?
Here is ST-Zio and its Arduino subset, on Nucleo F767ZI, F746ZG, F429ZI, F207ZG, H743ZI:
2017-02-07 12:08 PM
what functions would you like on a prototype shield.. ?
I am about to make a shield for the 10-18' LCD driver that I have developed.
there is some spare space on the board.
which shield footprint would you suggest ?
2017-02-09 3:26 AM
I looked for interesting 5V and GND arrangements. IMO much can be invented in this, however it requires thinking time spent on pure abstraction and future-only considerations ? ''what can be useful?''. So it disappointed me as somewhat expected: except for the nice Adafruit-like protoshields (using this one, but with headers and stack-plugs included) with two long rails 5V, GND, I've found only two more models:
:It is very specific, has Nokia pins, SPI pins, I actually don't know what this does mean, I guess it's that some pins are typically used for e.g. SPI, and they arranged them in one place, which is a courageous decision I think. So looks like they have made their thinking time on this.
:It's similar to the Adafruit-like one, but has longer 5V, GND rails, which might be useful. There is no SOIC place like on Af-like one. Rather nice trick at left and right ? because they don't include headers and stacking-slots, they have 3-pin leads there, which is interesting decision I think.
I hope I inspire you to some good decisions this way. I myself didn't make the thinking time on protoshield arrangement because I will not make one. Just looked for interesting and distinct ones.
However, I can tell that maybe you could make a shield for ST-Zio subset different from the Arduino subset. So that you could still connect Arduino shield ? two shields in total. You would have to use bottom pins of St-Zio. I think Arduino-support is great and you should use it if you want to e.g. sell your thing, but maybe you are also interested in connecting two shields at once.
2017-02-09 4:51 AM
I have made many many boards and over engineered all of them.
Have you tried Kicad ?.. its an excellent free PCB/Schematic editor...
I have been through the loops in my head many times...
Briefly, I came to the conclusion that its best to buy a android tablet and work on the coding...
but then you are stuck with some very steep learning curves and of course, the model changes like a bride's nightie.
So I went back to the bare bones, used a '746 added SDRAM, SDCARD, blah blah, but can I program it ?? not really...
I can get pieces of the code running ok but struggle with limited and obscure support.
the main issue I had was the shoestring budget and no reasonable free IDE solution.
But for you, I suggest you think of a project PCB that you want to make.
I can put the base board together for you in Schematic and PCB within kicad...
then you can develop your own product...
then you will want to use an LCD and then you will wonder why you cant get to a 15' or 18' LCD..
then you will want a touch screen.
then you will want a capacitive touch screen for much better response, resolution and the new 10 touch function.
thats why I am working on a new shield for 10-18' LCDs.
to make a PCB these days is about $100 delivered, putting the parts on is not simple...
it is a difficult process, if it was easy, everyone would be doing it.
I use a toaster oven to reflow my boards... it is a very forgiving technology.
the problem is getting the parts needed to populate your PCB....
Luckily we have Digikey, PCBway and the toaster oven of course.
Happy to help, if you want to take the plunge.
2017-02-15 10:11 PM
did you got your pcb prototype?2017-02-15 11:39 PM