2007-12-20 9:55 AM
Are PWM Channels Independent ?
2011-05-17 3:20 AM
Dear bala_jss,
Rev A is an engineering early Sample with some limitations, You can order the production sample for your application instead. :-? Regards, STOne-322011-05-17 3:20 AM
Are the (duty cycles of the) 4 PWM channels independent ?
When I try to set CCR(TIM4, CH4) to a value greater than CCR(TIM4, CH3) both (duty cycles) seems to latch to (TIM4, CH4). Am I missing something ? Any help is greatly appreciated. I am using TIM4 in PWM1 Mode (TIM4CLK = 72 MHz, Prescaler = 17, TIM4 counter clock = 4 MHz, ARR = 1000 =>TIM4 Frequency = 4 KHz) on a STM32F103 Rev A. [ This message was edited by: bala_jss on 17-12-2007 16:48 ] [ This message was edited by: bala_jss on 17-12-2007 16:50 ]