2013-03-18 11:28 AM
I want to implement an AN3969 to EEPROM emulation but I have not the drivers eeprom.h eeprom.c., I have a module STM32F4DISCOVERY.
anyone have these files??, thanks. #an3969 #eeprom-emulation2013-03-18 1:29 PM
Google a part, say ''STM32F405RG''
Go to ''Design Resources'' tab, Find ''EEPROM emulation'' in software downloads Volia!http://www.st.com/web/en/catalog/tools/PF257902
Although to be honest using 16K, or larger, flash elements to do this isn't very efficient, and has non-realtime appropriate side effects.2013-03-18 1:42 PM
Thanks Clive1, I'm just doing some testing and learning.
I was looking for but could not find a good link.2013-03-18 2:13 PM
I was looking for but could not find a good link.
The site is quite a nightmare to navigate, it was reconfigured last month, but stuff is non obvious, and not titled in a way that Google, Bing, etc would naturally lead you to the right spot. Ideally you'd want it to say AN3969 somewhere on the download page itself?2013-03-18 2:33 PM
i agree with you, thanks again