2011-06-06 5:17 AM
Hi all!
I wish to adapt the project on LwIP TCP/IP stack (AN3102) for Ride7 and STM32_EVAL for the RevA board from raisonance. In fact, Raisonance haven't any examples. So I need to obtain some clues or help from ST to be able to adapt the code. Thank you all for your helped answers!2011-06-06 10:19 AM
Where are you stuck now, and what's preventing your progress?
You'll need to compare/contrast the board design of the STM3210C-EVAL vs your target board. Start with the source and the schematic, and review the pin utilization which is different, and how you might change or accommodate that in your port. ST might provide you some FAE support if you have a viable commercial project, although porting to a custom board, using the same chip, should be a relatively straight forward task. They will probably not be keen to staff your project, or read the available technical documentation to you.2011-06-06 12:00 PM
''ST ... will probably not be keen to staff your project, or read the available technical documentation to you.''
Indeed. For that, see:http://www.st.com/internet/com/support/mcu_design_consultants.jsp