2009-02-20 4:34 AM
Address space for SPI Flash
2011-05-17 4:03 AM
I need to access a 128Mbit SPI Flash interfaced to STM32F101VCT6. What is the address range that I have to use for this device. I have looked up the Memory map for the MCU and it talks about only the ''control and status register'' part only. In the memory map 0x800 0000 to 0x807 FFFF is reserved for Flash. Am I suppose to take the next available address for this location ? I am basically trying to fill out this data structure #include ''..\FlashOS.H'' // FlashOS Structures #ifdef STM32F10x_128 struct FlashDevice const FlashDevice = { FLASH_DRV_VERS, // Driver Version, do not modify! ''STM32F10x 128kB Flash'', // Device Name ONCHIP, // Device Type 0x08000000, // Device Start Address 0x00020000, // Device Size in Bytes (128kB) 1024, // Programming Page Size 0, // Reserved, must be 0 0xFF, // Initial Content of Erased Memory 100, // Program Page Timeout 100 mSec 500, // Erase Sector Timeout 500 mSec // Specify Size and Address of Sectors 0x0400, 0x000000, // Sector Size 1kB (128 Sectors) SECTOR_END }; #endif