2018-05-21 9:46 AM
How do I add an external file to a system workbench project? I've done it before but the method I thought I used didn't work this time. What I did was copy the file into the SRC folder of the project, then open the project and open the new file. That didn't work. So how does one do this?
#add-external-file #system-workbench2018-05-21 5:21 PM
Using Eclipse I just drag the file and drop it on the project exactly where I want it.
2018-05-21 10:48 PM
I figured it out. In the project explorer at the top of the tree right click on the project name then click the refresh menu item.
2018-05-22 12:28 AM
Except this Drag-and-Drop method, the file/project import is not intuitive at all.
Find a generic Eclipse tutorial, perhaps the System Workbench has even a useful help.