2013-01-01 11:06 PM
i found that ADC12 and ADC123 in STM32F4 Discovery. How Can I use them? or whats the way to use ADC on STM32F4Discovery? I have library of STM32F4xx.c in that ADC1, ADC2, ADC3 are only defined? which are not in LQFP100 pakage as i found, i think I have ADC12 and ADC123 how can I use them and waht abt there base addresses? #adc2013-01-02 4:19 AM
ADC= analog-digital Converter. You can use different ADCs (and different channels) with different pins. In datasheet at pins it writes ADC12 or ADC123 but that only means that that pin can be used with either ADC1 or ADC2 and in last case in any 3 of them. You also have channel beside that (IN) which connects you pin-to adc channel.