2013-12-07 08:01 AM
Hi. Can you show me ADC register map of ADC1 and ADC2 12 bit? in example incle lib ADC3_DR_ADDRESS 0x4001224C. I read manual but can find it. In ADC I see 0x000 - 0x04C ADC1.0x100 - 0x14C ADC2.Thanks
2013-12-07 10:46 AM
Reference Manual page 427
ADC1 +0x000 ADC2 +0x100 ADC3 +0x200 Common + 0x300 (Dual/Triple Modes) Assume also (uint32_t)(&ADC1->DR), (uint32_t)(&ADC2->DR), (uint32_t)(&ADC3->DR) 12-bit / Alignment AS configured2013-12-09 12:16 AM
Yes. thanks
But when I use example in STM32F4-Discovery_FW_V1.1.0. I write ADC1 and ADC2 instead ADC3. adc1 : 40012000 and adc2 40012100.but it doesn't working.2013-12-09 04:11 AM
Yeah, I'm not exactly sure what you're doing, or what constitutes not working, provide a more complete context and explanation.
The ADC_DR is at offset 0x4C within the register window. DMA is not working against the base address of the ADC.