2021-03-29 2:10 AM
When I run tfm_ns test on STM32L562E_DK discovery board:
the tf-m source code :
git clone https://git.trustedfirmware.org/TF-M/trusted-firmware-m.git
cmake .. -DTFM_PLATFORM=stm/nucleo_l552ze_q -DTFM_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../toolchain_GNUARM.cmake -G"Unix Makefiles" -DTEST_NS=ON
the following logs are showed repeatly,I think this is abnormal. I didn't modify the source code of tf-m and tf-m-tests.
[INF] Starting bootloader
[INF] Swap type: none
[INF] Swap type: none
[INF] Bootloader chainload address offset: 0x13000
[INF] Jumping to the first image slot
[Sec Thread] func Secure image initializing!
Booting TFM func v1.2.0
Non-Secure system starting...
#### Execute test suites for the Non-secure area ####
Running Test Suite PSA protected storage NS interface tests (TFM_PS_TEST_1XXX)...
> Executing 'TFM_PS_TEST_1001'
Description: 'Set interface'
[INF] Starting bootloader
[INF] Swap type: none
[INF] Swap type: none
[INF] Bootloader chainload address offset: 0x13000
[INF] Jumping to the first image slot
[Sec Thread] func Secure image initializing!
Booting TFM func v1.2.0
Non-Secure system starting...
#### Execute test suites for the Non-secure area ####
Running Test Suite PSA protected storage NS interface tests (TFM_PS_TEST_1XXX)...
> Executing 'TFM_PS_TEST_1001'
Description: 'Set interface'
[INF] Starting bootloader
[INF] Swap type: none