2019-03-14 10:20 AM
Hello everyone.
İ am a new member.For several years i have been writing codes in pic ucontrollers as hobbiest. İ write codes in MPLAB X and CCS C for pic ucontrollers especially in 8 bit ones .But i want to turn my hobies into a job. When i see the job advertisement the conuntry i live they are all related in STM32 ucontrollers experience .What is the reason of this.That is way i want to learn 32bits ST ucontrollers.İ dont know where to start .How can i load the hex code into ST ies.Why there is no any DIP ST ucontorllers. Which ide do you advise .İ need your help.
2019-03-14 11:59 AM
Microcontrollers and marketshare is mainly real production business where cost is sensitive. DIP package is lots of plastic and unoptimized as form factor. Even power supplies for TV, Fridge and laundy machines use single layer PCB with QFP package and not DIP because no vias needed.
If you'd like to start on STM32, maybe start with mbed as on-line web editor with little download. This will get you to quick start. Mostly generic features will be accessible. To flash the device, use a nucleo board which includes the programmer debugger (STLink). It's USB composite device and you'll use the mass storage to flash the bin file generated by mbed.
For a specific STM32, I would start with STM32L496 (low power with enough memory not to worry with need for external's). Then you'll learn about low power, analog, ADC, DAC, comparators, Op-Amps and low power. Read the reference manual and the datasheet. The DMA stream table and the STM32 pinout and alternate functions are handy to understand. CubeMX is a computer tool to get most stuff initialized once you fly away from mbed and dig using IDE (Keil, IAR or else).
2019-03-14 3:40 PM
Well... guess I know this country ;)
The reason why we use STM32 controllers here so much is simply because they are good enough for the price.
But other ARM families are also popular here: TI, iNXP, Silicon Labs and others.
Unfortunately, situation with jobs is not so good, as you already found.
Learning STM32 is not likely to get one a paid job, especially for folks over 40.
Anyway, it can be still a good hobby.
Cheap learning kits and free IDEs are available.
Also I'd suggest to talk with a local dealer who sells STM32 and software tools, such as Arrow.com.
-- pa
2019-03-14 11:57 PM
The cheapest way to start is to buy a $2 "Blue Pill" STM32F103 based module on eBay which is a 40 pin DIP you can plug into any breadboard. You will also need a $1 CH340 USB to Serial convertor which you possibly already have for the PICs ?
Then load the Arduino and search for Blue Pill board and download the libraries and support and you should be ready to go. There are thousands of articles online showing how to use this module.
After a while you'll then want something a little more professional so I'd suggest getting a STM32F407 Discovery board ($20?) and switching to the official STM Cube libraries and toolset at this point (they are free) as that is probably the sort of experience that employers will be looking for.
I hope this helps and good luck !