2016-07-07 6:04 AM
i have a problem with CUBE and System Workbench. Each time i click the ''Generate code'' the FPU mode in Drivers and/or Middlewares is randomly switched from hard to soft (--abi-float=soft) The code won't compile then. It's very annoying because this behavior is very random: sometimes only the Drivers branch is touched, sometimes both Drivers and Middlewares are changed. Is my problem unique or there's a solution for a ''permanent'' float setting in Eclipse? I need ''hard''. - Using the System Workshop Luna Release 2 (4.4.2) and Cube MX 4.14.0 on Windows.2016-07-07 10:34 AM
If STemwin is in use, then softfpu is required.
soft fpu still use FPU but calling is different.2016-07-08 2:09 AM
Okay, but it silently changes also the Driver's MPU to ''-mthumb''. The rest of project remains unchanged. You can easily imagine what happens then, on execution.
THE PROBLEM IS: After each of code generations the Drivers MPU Setting is not more inherited from the project root, and in 50% of the cases Drivers in plus are completely excluded from the build. I can re-include Drivers back but I cannot change the Drivers MPU settings to anything - nor hard, nor softp. The only way to ''fix'' it is to delete the entire Drivers folder physically and to copy it back.