2017-06-14 9:04 AM
I have a 32F412GDISCOVERY (the one with LDC) board and the stock demonstration firmware is nowhere to be found. I can find the firmware to other discovery boards, but not this one. How can I obtain this firmware source code package?
2017-06-14 9:12 AM
2017-06-14 9:25 AM
So the stock
STM32F412G-Discovery firmware is only available from the stm32cubemx application download?
2017-06-14 10:19 AM
Looks like this may be it. I was expecting a more dedicated package that is specific to the 32F412GDISCOVERY like they do for other dev kits (like the STM32F4-Discovery board page). A 30MB zip file is easier to handle than a 400MB one . And the other board packages have projects created already for MDK for example. I'll see what comes of what you listed.
2017-06-14 10:55 AM
That was before the Cube era and the package you mention is based on the deprecated SPL. These days all ST devboards have Cube support exclusively.
Some are supported in mbed, but that's based on Cube anyway.
IIRC Cube contains MDK projects.
2017-06-14 11:33 AM
No, you can download the
library without CubeMX being installed.JW
2017-06-14 6:42 PM
The SPL code from the DSP Library works with the F412, but no tailored examples. Ported some of my microSD card logging software to the board. Need to check the BYPASS errata for SDIO as this is supposedly not on the F412.
2017-06-14 6:57 PM
Unfortunately I'm getting hard fault error when I run the code listed under
Demonstrations for this discovery board. When it tries to write to the LCD it turns it on with a white background and then freezes. I was able to debug it down to the line where it tries to display the ST logo. If I comment it out, it goes forward but hard faults after in another routine that I haven't checked yet.
Has anyone tried the MDK project with Keilv5 from this path:
It compiles just fine and downloads ok. Like I said, if I skip the ST logo, it then prints 'life augmented', and hard faults somewhere after that.
2017-06-15 2:05 AM
I am also playing with this board right now. The demo worked fine but as usual in wanted to generate CubeMX code myself (from the scratch) because re-using ST examples (not generated by the CubeMX) is difficult to integrate with Cube generated code.
You can try my Cube project file where the drivers are configured for LCD TFT and Touch Screen:
2017-06-15 12:03 PM
Bogdan, Thanks for the code.
It seems to go into an infinite loop during the HAL_Delay routine. It is not incrementing as it should. The code where it is stuck is below. The first time it goes here is during the BSP_LDC_Init. Any ideas?
__weak void HAL_Delay(__IO uint32_t Delay)
{ uint32_t tickstart = HAL_GetTick(); uint32_t wait = Delay; /* Add a period to guarantee minimum wait */ if (wait < HAL_MAX_DELAY) { wait++; } while((HAL_GetTick() - tickstart) < wait) { }}__weak uint32_t HAL_GetTick(void)
{ return uwTick;}