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+-10ºC Internal Temperature sensor oscillations :(


Hi im using a stm32f205retx (LQFP64)

I am measuring 3 adc imputs + Vref + internal chip temp sensor.

The temp sensor is the only one wildly oscillating.


we dont need to firmware by ourselves, lets talk

0693W00000BbhM8QAJ.pngYup that improved the swing from 10º down to 5º or so

we dont need to firmware by ourselves, lets talk

@TDK​ Because 15 cycles are the max cubeMx

is allowing me to set0693W00000BbhN6QAJ.png

we dont need to firmware by ourselves, lets talk

That is not the sampling time. That is just letting you know how many clock cycles it takes to convert (sampling time + conversion time).

The sampling time can be found in the channel configuration under Rank. The default is 3 cycles (which they should really change to something else).


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0693W00000BbhPvQAJ.pngI had them set to 480 cycles ( i forgot about that option) so it looks like is not a clock issue?

maybe its just the junction temp really going up and down due to activity bursts.... as @Community member​  said

we dont need to firmware by ourselves, lets talk