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HS USB Device Audio-In on STM32F769 Discovery issues. DataIn event is not fired every time, the setup command to turn the microphone on is received .

Associate II

For a little background, i have modified the project to take audio data from a static file to eliminate any issues with interrupts from the mems microphones may have been causing though the result is the same. I have also added print statements to trace through the calls. I am using Audacity to record the audio as shown in the image attached. I have also attached the project in the event anyone would like to take a look at it. It is really close to being fully functional.

Problem #1:

The USB_REQ_SET_INTERFACE setup call gets called every time located in usbd_audio_in.c @ 326 which is opening the Isoch endpoint and setting the alternate interface and sending a dummy buffer of data. This should be followed by a DataIn which happens sometimes and when it does occur audio is recorded fine when it does not happen stopping and starting the recording multiple times can get it to fire.

Problem #2:

USBD_AUDIO_DataIn usbd_audio_in.c @ 393, needs a delay in there on line 401 to work properly which looks like if the function completes too fast there is an issue but haven't found what the error is.

The Binary is located:


Project File Located:


I figured if I shared the project it would be a good demo project for HS microphone on the STM platform. I will put the mems microphone code back in once working and post the whole solution.

Thank You, and any help is greatly appreciated


Gabriel Melo
Associate III

Hey did you ever solve this?