2021-12-14 11:01 PM
I use custom board on STM32G474CEU6 for position control. I use topology with 1 shunt resistor and spi-encoder AS5048 with custom driver. At the start motor soft work fine, but after command set position more than 2.1 radian motor stay at position 2.0 radian and current consumption increases to 0.8 amp (is nominal current) and rotor stay in this position after any command.
2021-12-20 11:08 PM
Dear @IMukh.2
Sorry for the late answer.
Do you have still this problem to solve?
And just in case, if not, do not hesitate to share the final solution you found. Thanks by advance.
Best regards
2021-12-21 12:38 AM
I found frequency PWM 25 kHz and divider for torque and flux regulator 5. With this parameters position control work correct, in other cases motor have "deadzone". For example for 20 kHz PWM and torque flux divider 3 deadzone from 1 radian to -0.3 radian. For 20 kHz and divider 4 = +4.4 rad to -0.6 rad. When I use PWM frequency less than 15 kHz motor constantly spin and don't stop.
Period for position loop 2 ms.
2021-12-21 05:37 AM
After many tests motor work unstable, in any time motor may stay and no spin before I am spin rotor manual.