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When will developer boards for MC_SDK v6.0 be available (or workarounds)?

Associate II

Cedric H, et al,

I'm starting a new project (BLDC motor, 200-400w, battery powered, irregular speeds and loads -- think "power tools" profile) and would definitely like to use MC_SDK v6.x vs. earlier releases. Have worked with your earlier STM32 Nucleo pack (NUCLEO-F302R8, X-NUCLEO-IHM07M1, etc.), Anticipated using NUCLEO-G431B and X-NUCLEO-IHM08M1 for this project. But, alas, neither of these boards (or others supported by MC_SDK 6) seem to be available.

  1. Can you predict when single quantities of these development boards will be available? (DigiKey is out of stock and unable to provide an estimate.)
  2. Possibly not, since I suspect this is due to larger forces (e.g., the global chip shortage). But are there workarounds?
  3. I notice that the X-NUCLEO-IHM07M1 Power Board is supported by MC_SDK 6. I could proceed with the one I have and port to the higher power ...-IHM08M1 later. Would this port be simple or not?
  4. What Control Board could I use in the interim without having to regress to an earlier version of the MC_SDK? My existing NUCLEO-F302R8? Or is it too small/slow/incompatible with the automatic code generation in MC_SDK 6?
  5. Is there some other NUCLEO-Gxxxx board that is available, possibly requiring dipping into your evolving "custom board" features in the new SDK?
  6. Other possible approaches? (I'm a software developer and have a reasonable tolerance for bugs in beta software 😁 )
  7. While I'm asking questions, do you have any plans to port the MC_SDK, including the all-important Motor Workbench to macOS, like the rest of the STM332Cube environment? I can (and have) run your tools in Win10 or Linux distros via Parallels Desktop VMs, but prefer not to.

As a closing remark, I should note that my time is my most critical resources. Time in becoming proficient with your new MC_SDK looks like a reasonable investment; regressing to an earlier version and porting forward less so.

