2015-09-21 11:34 AM
I am trying to Drive a PMSM using the ST Motor Control Workbench interface through a STEVAL-IHM25V1 that is controlled by STM3240g-eval. I do not know what is happening, but when I connect the interface it shows that there is two faults at the same time: Under voltage and Over current. The communication is working well because it shows the exact Bus voltage value, and it is above the minimum voltage chosen in the project, that is what I can not understand. So, because of it I can't drive do motor. Does anybody know how to fix it?I am looking forward for some help.Thank you very much. #motor-control-workbench #steval-ihm025v1 #stm3240g2015-09-22 12:49 AM
Did you try with Fault Acknowled button? Is possible that these error are occured and need to be cleared.
If the error is not cleared pressing Fault Acknowled, then the FW sees this error wrongly and so maybe is a bad configuration of the firmware or wrong hardware setting. Ciao Gigi2015-09-22 11:32 AM
Hi, thank you for the answer.
Yes, I did tried Fault Acknowledge button but there was no change. I am using the STM32 PMSM FOC LIB v4.2 and STM32F4xx Workspace in a IAR IDE. I generated the .h files using the ST MC Workbench file that is attached. And I did not make any change in the software. Below there is my hardware settings: -STM3240G - eval 0ohm resistors R51, R34 and R58 removed R204, R66 and R205 soldered Solder Bridges SB15 SB14 SB10 SB12 SB11 were soldered Micro SD Card was removed -STEVAL - IHM025V1 W11, W2, W10, W9 closed W4, W5, W8, W7 open W3, W1, W6, w12 - A position Regards, Christian J. Meirinho ________________ Attachments : test.stmcx : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006HzIB&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000bJO%2F.znhwfuhrI7DUTAmZCcZXwCAsLS5RxZ17gU6V2r5JQU&asPdf=false2015-09-23 12:15 AM
Ciao Christian
If the error remains after the fault ack this mean that the micro sees these error still in place. One modification that you don't mention is to close SB16 to connect the emergency input to PI6 (and probably you have to unmount also the camera modue that is for default connected to that pin) After that you can verify if the voltage level on the PI6 is pullup to 3.3V and this will clear the overcurrent error. (after the Fault Ack) Regardind the undervolatge, it seems very strange. The threshold set into the WB is 125V. Using the ''monitor'' feature of WB you can verify the measured bus voltage (you can also verify if the measured bus voltage is coherent with the real bus voltage using a multimeter) then if this value is above the 125V the Under Voltage error shall disappear. Ciao Gigi2015-09-24 10:02 AM
Thank you, you were right, I forgot to close SB16.regards2021-06-27 9:01 PM
The question has been moved from the "Motor Control Hardware" section to the "STM32 Motor Control" section (the question is about the STM32 MC SDK).
Best regards