2014-09-22 2:27 PM
Hello guys,
I am trying to use STM32 PMSM FOC v3,4 with STM32F107VCT6 MCU. Is it possible?I previously used the library with STM32F103 mcu. I compared the f107 with f103 and found that they are almost the same (except 107 has more peripherals). So I used the same configuration as was on f103, but the board is not responding. I noticed that f107 has 25MHz oscillator, but in ST motor control workbench there is only 8MHz option. Could this be the problem? Is there any way to fix this? Or simply f107 can't be used with PMSM FOC library?Thank you for your responses and help.Have a nice day. #motor-control-f1072014-09-28 11:55 PM
Ciao Andrej
You chose the hard path... better with a ready and tested control board. Ok. Some suggestion: 1) disable the LCD. Any Control BD has different LCD driver. Better to use the WB with serial com (USART TX and RX are more standard among the boards just to check if the pin are correct) 2) change the oscillator to 8MHz. The Control BD has oscillator with socket and change it is more easy than change the FW 3) As you did, try to find any possible difference between the two board (and the two micro). The hope is that the peripheral (at least the one used by MC) is mapped in the same memory regions otherwise you need to change also the standard peripheral library used by the MC FW. 4) Try to identify (with the debugger) in which part of the code the FW is stopped 5) Cross the finger Ciao Gigi2021-06-27 10:51 PM
The question has been moved from the "Motor Control Hardware" section to the "STM32 Motor Control" section (the question is about the STM32 MC SDK).
Best regards