2021-03-17 9:35 AM
Hy, i must Drive the Clock PIN of the L6208 with the Timer_1-CH1 pin41 or Timer2-CH2 pin42,
it's the same for me (micro STM32F100). There is a routine firmware, a library or a C function, with the configuration and control mode of the Timer_1 to generate the constant duty cycle signal about 50% and variable frequency for example from 200 Hz to 4000 Hz to drive the clock pin of the L6208 ??
Thank you very much
2021-03-17 1:57 PM
Output Compare set to Toggle mode in TIMx_CCMRx (and enabled in TIMx_CCER) will produce a 50% output with frequency half of the timer's overflow frequency. As TIM1 is an Advanced timer, don't forget to set TIMx_BDTR.MOE. Of course, the given pin has to be set to AF output in GPIO.
You change frequency by changing TIMx_ARR; it's recommended to have ARR preload set (i.e. TIMx_CR1.ARPE=1).
2021-03-19 2:02 AM
Thank you Waclawek, Yes this is the evolution Timer, the best, i chose this on purpose!.
Now i use this Timer for PWM function fixed frequency, next week i try to modify this function with your suggestion and library manual for frequency ramps
I'll keep you up-to-date!.
Another Hardware Question, I think to Use The STM L6208 or Toshiba TB6600HG Stepper motor Driver. To reduce the power dissipated by the drivers:
I thought of inserting the 8 recirculation diodes (Fast diode) also externally, so as to slightly reduce the dissipation on the internal diodes during the switching phases. This is because I have to make the most of these 2.4 Ampere bipolar Stepper drivers !! that heat a lot and go into thermal protection even with large radiators... The 0,3 RdSon Mosfet is a little poor... clear that the recirculation diodes dissipate little compared to Mosfets... but to gain something... and a little less heating...