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St workbench motor control : no conection

Associate II
Posted on September 25, 2012 at 15:40


I have instal the st motor control workbench for steval ifn003v1. I have install the driver : ''

Silicon Lab CP210x chip

''. When I generate H. files, i'm going to monitor, but I have always the same error : ''Connection failed, No response, check the communication cable, the power on the board or the baudrate (set to 9600 bps)''

My board is supply by 24v and I'm connected on cp210x chip by usb cable.

Could you help me ?

Thank you.

Associate II
Posted on September 27, 2012 at 09:44

I use windows seven,


Associate II
Posted on September 30, 2012 at 12:51

I have taken an other pc with windows seven and the connection works, motor starts. Perhaps a conflit with an old driver from an other application.

Thank you for your help and the time that you have spent for me.


Associate II
Posted on December 06, 2012 at 04:38


I am also facing the same issue. I am using STM3210E-EVALfor control stage, STEVAL-IHM023V2 for power stage and STM32 motor control firmware library Version 3.2 on Windows 7.

I used the motor control workbench to generate the header files, used them in IAR Embedded Workbench to compile the whole workspace and flashed it with ST-LINK V2. I made sure that I selected USART in the motor control workbench.

When I connect the board via USB, the device is not enumerated at all. Also, the motor doesn't run. Do I need to install any particular driver for this to work?

Any help will be appreciated!



ST Employee
Posted on December 10, 2012 at 18:21

Ciao Tamil,

for what I know in the STM3210E-EVAL there is no USB-to-USART interface and you need to use an external dongle.



Associate II
Posted on December 13, 2012 at 00:15

Thanks for your reply Gigi.

I then disabled the USART and tried to work through the LCD interface. Every time I try to start the motor, the motor doesn't spin at all and I get a ''Speed Feedback'' fault after the measured spreed increases rapidly to around 696rpm (but in reality the motor isn't spinning at all). Further, I tried to look at the PWM signals, but they were always ''off'' (High for active low and Low for active high) during the start-up period and beyond.

It 'll be great if you could help me with getting the setup up and running. Just to make sure, do you think the hardware I have (STM3210E-EVALfor control stage and STEVAL-IHM023V2 for power stage and a Shinano LA052-080E motor) is capable of running the motor using STM32 motor control firmware library Version 3.2?



ST Employee
Posted on December 13, 2012 at 09:46

Ciao Tamil

It seems strange that the microcontroller is not generating the PWM signals when no over current fault is indicated in the LCD.

This is the scenario:

In the STM3210E-EVAL the pin PA6 is ''some how'' shared between MC emergency stop (that indicate usually an over curent condition) and the SPI1_MOSI that is used by LCD.

So normally to work with motor control you can have two possibility:

1) Disable the LCD and use serial communication. (But I think you don't have an USB-to-USART dongle)

2) Enable the LCD and disable the Over current protection. This is non a good practice especially when the power stage is not self protecting from over current and/or when the current sensing network is not well tested.

In the second case (that I think is the default setting of some ST MC workbench file provided togeter with the FW) the Over current sensing is disabled in the firmware (in workbench is in Drive Management->Sensing enabling and firmware protection->Over current sensing). Doing this if the pin PA6 start to switch to comunicate with the LCD then the microcontroller doesn't raise a false over current fault.

If the JP3 jumper is closed that signal can goes to the power stage keeping it in protection (this signal is usually bidirectional and is used to signal an over current coming from the power stage and to force the power stage in a safe state with all power switched disabled). So in this case you have to open this jumper.

The think that seems strage is that you see the outputs of the microcontroller that is always in disable state. This sholud not occurs if no over current signal is reached from the micro. Please double check it.



Associate II
Posted on December 18, 2012 at 04:00

Thanks for your reply Gigi.

I managed to get a serial to USB adapter and have configured the firmware to not use the LCD. I am now able to control the board directly from the computer, but I am still facing the same issue as before.

As soon as I click start motor, the measured speed increases to 4000rpm even though the motor is not running at all, and I get a ''speed feedback'' fault. I checked the PWM signals again, and they are still in disabled state all the time. I do have the JP3 open.

Is there anything else that I could have missed and need to check? Thanks again for your help.


ST Employee
Posted on December 18, 2012 at 11:23

Ciao Tamil,

just to be sure can you post here the .stmc file that you are using and the generated ''params.h'' files?



Associate II
Posted on December 18, 2012 at 22:14

Sure. Here are the files:



ST Employee
Posted on December 19, 2012 at 16:55

Ciao Tamil,

Maybe I

solved the mystery


The SDK33x-STM3210E-EVAL-MB459-Shinano.stmc present in the \WB_Projects\SDK33x folder

is wrong


In your case the parameter that is not correct is: Control Stage - Digital I/O -> Timer TIM1. It should be



I discover that the SDK32x-STM3210E-EVAL-MB459-Shinano.stmc present in the previous version of WB (2.0) was good. Someting goes wrong in the conversion of that file from the WB2.0 to the WB2.1. I will check with the designer of WB.

If you don't have the WB 2.0 installation file (I think that is no more present in the you can try to fix that parameter in your .stmc file (hoping that, only it hasn't been imported correctly).

Try and let us know.

