2012-09-25 6:40 AM
I have instal the st motor control workbench for steval ifn003v1. I have install the driver : ''Silicon Lab CP210x chip
''. When I generate H. files, i'm going to monitor, but I have always the same error : ''Connection failed, No response, check the communication cable, the power on the board or the baudrate (set to 9600 bps)'' My board is supply by 24v and I'm connected on cp210x chip by usb cable. Could you help me ? Thank you. #st-wb-motor-control-no-conection2012-12-24 3:33 PM
Hi Gigi,
That worked! I am now able to spin the motor. But I am still getting overcurrent fault which I think is false and I am not able to ramp up or down the speeds properly beyond 1000 rpm. I will explore it further and try to make it functional. Thanks a lot for your help! -Tamil2014-07-29 8:16 AM
I would like to join to this topic and refresh it. I have a problem with communication with IFN003V1 dev. board. After first connection to computer (orginal fw on board) communication PC<->Board work well. But after replacing program (change of motor parameters) communications stop working.
I use 4.0 Motor SDK and the latest Api. I also checked communication with dev. board by Docklight software (COM Port terminal). After sending sign, I receive four signs answer, so communication is ok. I also checked in debug, that USART1 receive correct data from terminal. But communication with workbench could not be established. In workbench I used project template for this board and modified motor parameters. I will be grateful for help.2014-07-29 8:56 AM
Check your board schematic as to which port pins TX/RX are using on the processor.
Check your baud rate & which USART you have configured in embedded workbench. You have to make sure the two above match, you may need to use a specific USART and Re-map the pins, to get onto the correct pins for your PCB.2014-07-29 9:16 AM
Ok, but communication between dev.board and PC terminal is ok. I'm receiving answer from device when I'm sending any sign. I also checked in debug, that UART1->DR receive what I send. It confirm that link is ok and that the link baudrate is ok.
2014-07-29 2:28 PM
Ok, problem was solved. I don't know how but communication with Workbench work ok.
2015-07-10 2:20 AM
first of all,I apologize for my poor english.
I have the same question about st workbench motor control no conection. Different from above,For learning purposes I copied the circuit board in accordance with the circuit diagram(Schematic in the UM1478),use USB-RS232 cable and MAX232 chip instead of the CP2102 chip.I'm doing the following steps :1 : I instal the driver for the converter serial-usb and I'm sure that the USB-RS232 cable works well2: I download and installed the st workbench motor control 4.1 from your website.3: Start sample project SDK41x-STEVAL-IFN003V1-Shinano.stmx,I did not modify any settings.the serial communication is enabled.4: Generate the .h files and copy these to C:\Program Files (x86)\STMicroelectronics\FOC SDK\STM32 PMSM FOC LIBv4.1\Web\SystemDriveParams folder.5 : I open the project with MDK, and compile(according to the steps described in the Quick start guide for STM32F PMSM single/dual FOC SDK v4.1 ), and I send the binary file to MCU with J-link.But, there is no connection between the monitor in st workbench motor control and my board. I have always the same error : ''Connection failed, No response, check the communication cable, the power on the board or the baudrate (set to 115200 bps)''.I use windows 7.Besides,there are another two questions:1 In the STEVAL-IFN003V1 User manual,required to install ''STEVAL-IFN003V1_Patch.exe'',but I can not find this file on your website. where it is?2when I download STM32 FOC SDK Web 4.1 and install,open the file STM32F10x_Workspace.uvmpw,there is only STM32F10x_UserProject in the MDK project region, no STM32F10x_MC Library,is this normal?why?My MDK version is 5.0.I will appreciate all your help.2021-06-27 10:41 PM
The question has been moved from the "Motor Control Hardware" section to the "STM32 Motor Control" section (the question is about the STM32 MC SDK).
Best regards