2019-09-10 12:05 AM
Hi! I followed user manual provided here and did everything step by step to set up environment for my motor (Maxon 397172). After connecting my hardware (Nucleo-F446RE and X-NUCLEO-IHM08M1) to Motor Control Workbench and clicking "Start Motor" button - nothing happens. Motor won't start, it will only flicker once, Measured speed will increase (during motor still doesn't move).
Things I did:
but nothing really changes the fact, that m motor won't start.
I also generated code from my project, but I really can't find any tutorial what can I do with this code.
Do you have any ideas?
I am using ST Motor Control 5.4.1, I have installed drivers and STM32CubeMX. Also my generator can give 3.21 A and 24 V (as needed for this motor).
Things are interesting, because sometimes motor will just start to rotate without reason. My issue is that I can't be sure if motor will or won't start.
2019-09-15 7:10 PM
@TCibo I feel your pain! I am having similar issues although today I did get the motor moving by playing with parameters in the motor control workbench. I changed these parameters and I seem to be getting somewhere. Are you getting a fault message on any of those on the left side of the image below?
Overall, support for this SDK is severely lacking and even finding an ST rep who knows anything about how to use it is lacking.
2019-09-17 1:51 AM
Hey! That's funny, but no, I don't have any fault messages, my motor just won't start at all. I tried changing PID parameters, but it didn't push me anywhere.
And yes, I totally agree with you - there is no such a good support or datasheet for this workbench. After two weeks of trying to cooperate with this I just gave up.
Thats kinda sad, because I see potential in this SDK, but without manual it is just like being lost in fog.
2021-06-21 11:22 PM
The question has been moved from the section "Motor Control Hardware" to the "STM32 Motor Control" section (the question is about the STM32 MC SDK).
Best regards
2023-06-24 10:30 AM
Would be nice if ST staff would provide links to the question if moved. Your website isn't easy to navigate and often hard to find posts.