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MotorControl Workbench generate project with 20+ errors in STMCUBEIDE

Associate III

STM Motor Workbench

When I tested the motor in Motor Profiler, I am adding the settings to MotorControl Workbench, and generated the project in CubeMx, but when I try to compile the program I have 20+ errors like:

undefined reference to `STO_PLL_Init'

undefined reference to `RUC_Init'

in question ( was the same problem, but the solution didn't work, I think I didn't know how to add a library in STMCUBE_IDE right, maybe it's a problem.

Board: Nucleo-F303RE + IHM16M13S

Soft: STMCUBE_IDE 1.8.0

Motor Workcbench 5.4.8

Laurent Ca...
Lead II

Dear @OMarc.1​ 

Sorry for the late answer.

Do you have still this problem to solve?

And just in case, if not, do not hesitate to share the final solution you found. Thanks by advance.

Best regards

I thought you would share the solution with me.

Yes, the problem exists and it is connected only with CubeIDE.

Kind regards.