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Motor profiler MCSDK 6.2.0

Associate II

I am moving to MCSDK 6.2.0 and want to test the motor profiler new feature. 


[TOOL]: Motor PROFILER v1.2.4

EVALSTDRIVE101 + NUCLEO-F746ZG + Custom board for adapter

[DETAILS]: Fail to do motor profiling

[EXPECTED BEHAVIOR]:  Able to do motor profiling even with custom board

Attached is the project


The resistorOffset is not defined for the EVALSTDRIVE101, so I first do the offset detection. Measured value is approximatly the know motor resistor and resistor offset is therefore negative. 

Then I start profiling the motor but stay stuck with the message to increase (or decrease) the max speed. I have tried different value without success.


I know that this Power board is not listed in the table 2 (list of described boards containing resistorOffset parameter) in the motor profile page. And this board combo was not compatible with motor profiler in the past. But should I expect to work with MCSDK 6.2.0 ?


When I am injected the motor known information from my 6.1.2 project, it does not work straight out of the box. But for this point I need to investigate a bit more.





Zied b.
ST Employee

Hi @APerr.3 
We will gradually add the Resistor Offset necessary to the Boards we support. For the EVALSTDRIVE101 board, I found a Resistor offset of 0.015, you can add

"resistorOffset": 0.015,

to the Board's .JSON file , Then start your profiling, normally you should have no problems.

If you agree with my answer, please accept it by clicking on "Accept as solution".
Associate II

Hi @Zied b. ,


Thanks for your response.

I managed to get the profiler working with another motor. The offset is still negative. And the motor is very noisy like if the gain is to high. I am thinking that I am not using high enough current for the EVALSTDRIVE101.

How much current did you use to read 0.015 ?

